Thursday, September 22, 2011


This time you will be on your own. Your assignment is to:

1) Adapt your text for the screen (turn it into a screenplay, 3 page minumum) (30 points)

2) Create a storyboard for your script (30 points)

Get to work. You should turn in by the end of the class (in print or by email to but if not, you have until BEFORE monday. This means i will not receive anything after midnight on Sunday.

Don´t stress too much, these DO NOT have to be technically perfect (example, the script doesn´t HAVE to have all the correct elements, i just need to understand it). You´re high school students, don´t think i´m judging you like professionals. What i am more interested in is creativity when choosing your shots and angles.


Keep in mind that scripts must be entirely audiovisual, which means you describe the action of write the exact dialogue. Leave out any emotional or internal description. Example:

Miguel walks into the class and stands in front of the board. He starts stretching his arms and legs, striving to get attention. The teacher rolls her eyes. She is very annoyed.

Hello everybody, let´s start with some stretching excercies.

Comic books are the best examples of great storyboarding, check some out. Quentin Tarantino is a master filmmaker because he steals from the best ;-)

Helpful links


Camera shots and angles:

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